Getting started setting up your Fieldmagic solution, we've put together a list of the common first set-up tasks you will want to focus on in order to start getting the very best out of your new solution for the business. 

Step 1: Connect your Accounting System

This will at a minimum be useful as this will import your Tax and Account Codes, Product List, and allow you to synchronise new invoices created in Fieldmagic to your accounting system to remove any double entry. It will also ensure clarity across what Jobs have been invoiced, and which have not. 

To connect your accounting, simply go into Settings and Follow the Prompts under Connect Accounting: 

Step 2: Define your Billing Categories

This will ensure you flag the correct products in your product catalogue as 'Labour' which will be useful for when your team tracks their time entries on jobs, and for quoting and invoicing labour. 

Please review this article to set this up. 

Step 3: Define your Company Details and Colours

Now that you have set-up your accounting integration and billing categories, it's time to set-up your Company colours and logo. 

Please review this article to set this up. 

Step 4: Set-Up Quote Templates

Setting up your Quote templates will allow you to define all the common quote types and packages you provide to your customers and will save your team time from having to manually create quotes for common scenarios. 

Please review this article to set this up. 

Step 5: Set Up Recurring Jobs for Customer Sites

If you have recurring jobs that are carried out at Customer Site locations, this article explains how these are set up. You will have the option of setting up general recurring jobs, or if you service assets, have a recurring job that services a specific group of assets. 

Learning How to Manage Enquiries

Learn how to create and track your enquiries, before progressing them to Quotes or Jobs. Review these articles to learn more. 

Learning About Opportunities and Quotes
Fieldmagic allows you to create opportunities which can hold multiple quotes. This is often useful for sending a number of quotes to a customer, each potentially slightly different, and then selecting the winning quote to then progress to a job.

Learn about Opportunities and Quotes in this article.  

Learning How to Convert an Opportunity to a Job

Once you have won a quote to do work, Fieldmagic allows you to specify the details of the related job that will be created. 

Learn how to convert an opportunity to a job in this article

Learning About Jobs and Scheduling. 

Learn about jobs and scheduling in these articles

Have further Questions?

For further learning materials, view all articles here. 

Get In Touch

You can also send us a support question by clicking here.