This article covers new feature updates, fixes and refinements to Fieldmagic.

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below.


Desktop and Mobile:

1. Cross-client/Multi-client Scheduling

  • The ability of clients to schedule tasks with other clients. This will enable clients to manage other clients' schedules depending on the permission given

2. Specified location of the Products in the Warehouse

  • The specific location of the Products is now available in the Stock Level record. A location field in the Stocktake



1. Accounting integration

  • Enhanced the accounting system integrations in order to be able to send service-type invoices instead of item invoices

2. Job Scheduler Redesign

  • Implemented enhanced scheduler layout

    • Added Contractor view in relation with cross client scheduling

    • Added legends and their respective colors that represent them

      • Blue - Scheduled

      • Orange - In Progress

      • Teal - In transit

      • Green - Complete

      • Red - Deleted Job

      • Purple - Activity Logs

    • Search for the Users bar

    • Task widget

    • Task Filter can be filtered out using:

      • Department Name

      • Job Number

      • Site

      • Customer

      • Task Name

    • Activities are dedicated to the annual leave or breaks of the technicians



  • Fixed an issue when editing records from leads, customers, sites, and contact module, the value of the email address is now shown in the edit form and be able to save the current value
  • Fixed an error wherein only one site record is displayed in the Customer Portal
  • Fixed an error wherein users can not log in to the portal when there is no site role linked to them
  • Stock levels are now being shown even if there are 1100 plus records