Manage Your Inventory in Fieldmagic

Stock Level Management Overview

Our Stock Levels module allows customers to manage and track multi-warehoused stock and perform stock transfers and stocktakes. Stock Management Module is available on our Fieldmagic Enterprise Plan. 

Setting up your Warehouses

Click add to set up a new warehouse. On this list view, you can see all your warehouses and their addresses.

Now fill out the details for your warehouse such as the Name, Code, Status and Type. For type, you have the option to set your warehouse as a fixed location or as a vehicle. For vehicle, there's no need to fill the address section. Save once done.

For vehicle:

Inventoried Items and Products

First, check or add the products that you would like to be inventoried from your product catalogue. Go to your product catalogue in your Fieldmagic settings

On your product catalogue, you can filter the products that are inventoried. 

If you need to add or set a product as inventoried, click add or edit on the product or item details and make sure that the 'Active' and 'Is Inventoried' options are flagged and fill out the necessary details. In this example, I created a new product.

  • Code - Code of the item/product
  • Name - Name of the item/product
  • Unit Price
  • Unit Cost
  • Preferred Supplier - This will be the default supplier when reordering items/products.
  • Unit - Unit of measurements for the product/items, like piece/pc, feet, pounds, and gallons, etc
  • Reorder Quantity - Is the default quantity of items/products when reordering
  • Minimum Quantity - This is the minimum threshold for the item. If you reach this number, this item will appear in your reorder list in the Stock Level Module. 

Then save. (This is the first half of the screenshot, see the next image for the continuation)


*You can also set the Default Sales Account Code  Sales Tax Code here, Default Purchase Code,  Default Purchase Tax Code and Cost of Sales on this screen.

  • Description - Product Description
  • Image -  There is also an option to upload a photo of the product.

Creating  and Receiving a PO for your new products/items

The product/s you just created and tagged as "inventoried' will not be automatically visible in the system. At the moment, the workflow is once you're done with creating a new product/item, you will need to go to the Purchase Orders module and create and receive a PO for the newly added product/item to appear in the Stock Levels module.

  • Supplier - Select your supplier from the dropdown
  • Status - You can select the status of the PO here, in this instance I selected Sent as the purpose of this PO is for me to be able to receive it so it appears in our stock level module
  • Delivery location: This is a dropdown menu, just select 'Warehouse' here and a new dropdown will appear for 'Delivery To'
  • Delivery To - This will be your preferred warehouse destination. All your warehouses will appear on the dropdown
  • Item - Find the item name you created earlier in the product catalogue

Then Save.

(First half of screenshot)


Once saved, go to your list of POs and select the PO you just created.

Then click the Stock Receipts widget on your right and click Receive Stock.

Then you will be prompted to select a Destination Warehouse to receive the stock. Click 'Create Stock Receipt' after selecting the correct Destination Warehouse.

After Creating Stock Receipt, you will see that the Receipt Status is still showing as ' Draft', this will change to 'Received' after you successfully complete this step. You will also see here other details such as the Product Name, Code, Quantity, Receive Quantity (which is still zero in this case because we haven't finished tagging the stock as received), and Description of the item or product. After reviewing and making sure that the stock details are correct, click 'Receive Stock'.


Once done, you will see on the stock receipt section that it has now been received with the corresponding destination warehouse. 

You can also click on the eye icon to preview the details. Notice that the status is now showing as 'Received'.

Stock Levels

Now, go to your Stock Levels module. If you have a lot of products, you may use our advanced filters, such as Item (name of the item), Created Date, Quantity or Warehouse.

Using the 'Item' filter

On the list view, you can immediately see the current stock level for your products.

Now, click the product/item to view more details such as Product Code,  Stock Level, Preferred Supplier, Description, and Price. On the right side, you can see three widgets such as Warehouses, Stock Transfer and Stock Adjustment.

1. Warehouses - displays all the warehouses that have stocks for the item selected including the stock quantity available.

2. Stock Transfer - displays all the stock transfer history for the product/item selected and which warehouses they were from and were transferred to. To do a stock transfer, click on the add button shown below.

Let's try and do a Stock Transfer. After clicking Create Stock Transfer, you will be prompted with the following. Select your Warehouse Source and your Warehouse Destination.

Then enter the desired quantity of items to be transferred. Click Save As Completed

Once done, you will see your Stock Transfer record.

You can view the complete details of the Stock Transfer (Status, Warehouse Source, Destination, Product, and Quantity) by clicking on the eye icon.

3. Stock Adjustment - displays all the activity history for product/item selected, such as received From POs, Stock Transfers, Used, and Stocktake. You will also see here the quantity transferred, used, or received.

Stocktaking, Reordering, and Merging

To do a stocktake, a reorder or a merge, go back to your list of items in the Stock Levels module and click the dropdown arrow as shown below. You will see three options such as Reorder, Stocktake, and Merge.


After clicking the reorder option, it will display the list of items that have reached the (minimum) threshold that you set in your product catalogue for each item. In the screenshot below, the numbers on the Total Current Stock column are equal to or less than the numbers on the Minimum Quantity column. You can also see that the Reorder Quantity and Preferred Supplier columns are already prefilled, though you still have the option to adjust or change them.

Tick the box/boxes on the right side corresponding to the item/s that you would like to reorder, or just tick the topmost box to reorder all items listed the hit 'Reorder Products' as shown below.

To receive and inventory the items you reordered, go to your Purchase Order module, and select the POs that you just created, one at a time. These POs were automatically created when you reordered the items/products from your Stock Levels module. 

You can also use the 'Created At' filter to see your new POs

Let's check and review PO (#PO-0014).

Click and edit as needed and repeat the step earlier on creating and receiving POs. Click Save.

Now go to Stock Receipts to receive the items/products.

Select the Destination Warehouse then Create Stock Receipt.

Then click Receive Stock

Status should now show as Received and you can also update the PO status as Delivered.

Do the same with the other PO (#PO-0015). Notice below that in the Stock Levels module Reorder List, we now only have 2 products listed. 


Select Stocktake from the dropdown arrow on your Stock Levels module

Then select a warehouse as shown below. Let's Select Warehouse A in this example.

Select the products and update the quantity (New Quantity table) as needed. Then save.

Now let's check the stocktake that we performed for our Fire Alarm. 

Note. We have Fire Alarms for 2 warehouses because we did a Stock Transfer earlier. 


Let's select Warehouse A since it is the warehouse where we performed the Stocktake on. There would have been a number corresponding to our Stocktake activity have we adjusted the number (on the New Quantity table) in our stocktaking earlier. 

View Stock When Quoting

Fieldmagic desktop users can access stock-level information when creating quotes, this provides immediate information to sales on whether items need to be ordered ahead of jobs, and can provide insights to customers in real-time.

When quoting, desktop users can check stock levels by clicking the stock icon beside the item name (as shown below) and it will show the number of stocks available in the warehouses.

Allocating Stocks/Materials to Jobs


Upon creating a job in your Fieldmagic desktop,  you now have the ability to choose which warehouse to get the materials from that you will allocate for the job.

To do that, first, make sure you log your materials on your Fieldmagic desktop:

Fill out the necessary details then save

Now, go to the Allocate Stock tab

By default, the stock allocation status is set to 'Pending', once you change that to 'Allocated', you will be able to choose a warehouse to get the stock from in the dropdown menu.

In the warehouse dropdown, it will only display warehouses where stock/materials are available.

Go ahead and save it. (These materials will then be available to your technicians assigned to the job.)


Allocating materials/stocks on the Fieldmagic mobile app.  You now have the option to scan barcoded or QR-coded materials.

Access your Fieldmagic Job as usual.

Go to the "Add Materials" tab. To access and allocate inventoried items/materials choose the "Scan QR Code" option.

Scan your material

Enter the number of items you would use for your job. Then click next.

Then select the warehouse where you would get the material from. Note: This will only display the warehouses where the selected material/item is available.

The update status to "Allocated" or "Used". Then click next

After clicking next, you will be prompted if you'd like to create the item/material you just scanned as an asset. I clicked 'no' in this instance, but if you did otherwise, the material that you logged will be treated as a normal asset. 

After clicking no, it will display, all the scanned items/materials for the job.