This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 

Desktop Updates:

**Stock Management

  • Ability to allocate a warehouse to a given user (access_levels table) FC-3245

    Identify whether a given location has the required level of stock

In the Administration area, you can now create Warehouses:

  • New table for warehouses and stock level. Created an admin area to create, edit and delete these warehouses FC-3244

The warehouse table has the following:

  • Client ID

  • Name (required)

  • QR Code (required)

  • Type (fixed location or vehicle)

    • Fixed location - shows address field

    • Searchable with the advanced search


A warehouse can only be deleted if no stock exists in the warehouse.

The stock level table has the following:

  • Client ID

  • GUID

  • Warehouse link

  • Product link

  • Location (stored location of the product in this warehouse)

  • Quantity

  • Added Stock levels to the left-hand menu under recurring jobs with list view (full search) FC-3246. Please see the below screen shot. 

    • Reduced spacing on the left-hand menu to fit the final menu item in the navigation

    • On the list view, the product along with the total stock is displayed. When drilled down into a product, users can see specific locations of stock.

    • Enabled displaying of items/products with stock management

    • On the record view, a read-only view of the product with a side panel displaying two actions: stock transfer and stock take are shown.

    • Stock levels and files are displayed only on the side panel

Note: In order for a product to show in the Stock Levels Screen, a purchase order must be raised and stock received on the purchase order: 

  • Added “Is Inventoried” to products module FC-3247

    • Default to unchecked. If checked, a product will appear on stock-level screens.

  • Ability to create stock transfer FC-3248

Allows the users to transfer stock from source warehouse to destination warehouse

1. Within the Stocked Product select the Create Transfer option:

2. Select the Warehouse you'd like to transfer stock to and the quantity, then click 'Save As Completed'

3. Stock Transfer Complete: 

The current Stock Level is now reflected as available in two warehouses for the product with up-to-date quantities: 

  • Ability to perform stocktake FC-3249. Please see the below screen shots:

1. Select additional options buttin when in the Stock Levels view and select 'Stocktake"

2. The below screen is presented allowing you to filter on the warehouses you'd like to complete a stocktake on various products. 

  • Added a product re-order screen FC-3250. Please see the below screen shot. 

  • Ability to re-order previous items with their quantity and add a minimum quantity for each product.

  • Ability to view a list of all products equal to or below their reorder quantity, select supplier for each product and generate and email purchase orders to suppliers

  • Ability to define one or more suppliers for each product along with the user's buy price

  • Ability to define preferred supplier for each product


  • Ability to see stock levels  for products that quoted FC-3251. Please see the below screen shot:

  • Implemented stock usage flow FC-3429

    • Added a new field to the materials module called - Status

    • Added a new field called - Allocated from warehouse

    • Added the option when adding material on the desktop to allocate materials from a given warehouse - add a button called – Allocate from warehouse

    • Added the option on a job in the mobile app when adding materials that allows users to add parts by scanning the QR code

    • The mobile app allows users to update materials to “Allocated” which will update the stock by creating an adjustment linked to the job/task/material

  • Stock Management is only available in Enterprise Plan for both Mobile and Desktop 

Virus Scanning

  • Added a virus scanning process for files being downloaded FC-3419

Mobile Features

Stock Management

  • Implemented stock usage flow FC-3429

    • Added an option in the job when adding materials that allow users to add parts by scanning QR codes. Please see the below screenshot: 

  • Allows users to update materials to “Allocated” which will update the stock by creating an adjustment linked to the job/task/material

Allocate Stock and Create Asset From Stock item Flow:

Mobile Fixes

  • Updates all the Image uploading processes in the Mobile app (Camera/ Photo Gallery)  FC-3327

  • Fixed issues on mobile scheduled tasks based on the period selected (Configure System Setting) FC-3225

  • Error when viewing (maximize/minimize) asset images upload from the iOS mobile app FC-3344

  • Contact information is not displaying due to contact roles not set FC-3499

  • The Barcode scanner is not working on Edit Asset FC-3408

  • Inactive users are still able to operate mobile app functions (completed tasks, create jobs, etc) when not logged out FC-3450

  • When the FM app is Idle for 24 hours, it’s not redirected to the log-in page after accessing the FM app FC-3514

Desktop Fixes

  • Files with a comma on the filename can now be downloaded FC-3504

  • Removed the quantity text box in SMS Credit Purchase. SMS Credit Purchase is set to 500 for each transaction FC-3511

  • Unit Price is now generating automatically FC-3505

  • Different formats in checklist multi-select and text area field entries (including mobile checklist) FC-2887

Accounting Integrations:

Refinements in Accounting Integrations FC-3231

  • Added new buttons

    • Live Sync/Debug Sync

    • Sync Payments

  • When an invoice is already paid in Accounting and synced back to Fieldmagic

    • If changes are applied in Fieldmagic, there will no longer be a trigger in the auto-sync to accounting to avoid error messages. Applicable also to Voided invoices.

  • Made accounting error message more specific for better understanding and easier troubleshooting FC-3114

Other Minor Fixes:

  • FC-3466 Issue when generating a PDF report

  • FC-3502 There are no line breaks on the Customer’s Notification after receiving it on Mobile (SMS) and E-mail