Customer Notifications Hub allows you to manage which of your key contacts receive important updates or notifications, and how they receive them whether by email, SMS, or both. 

How to access Customer Notification settings and how to activate key contacts to receive notifications:

1. Go to Settings and find Workflows and Notifications and click on Customer Notifications.

2. Then you can select which channels you'd like activated for your key contacts. You can activate email and /or SMS. You can also see some general settings here just like notification for SMS credits - you'll get notified when you have low credits left and notification when a key contact is missing any contact details that stop them from receiving notifications. 

3.  There are three notification areas in the Customers Notifications Hub:

  • Notifications before scheduled task time - Send a notification either 24 or 48 hours before the scheduled start time of a task. You can also configure the wording of your messaging that will be sent to your key contacts. 
  • Notifications when a task is in Transit - This happens when you're using our start and stop timer on the Fieldmagic mobile application. When a technician starts their travel timer and is on their way to the job site, a new transit notification will be sent to your key contact alerting them that you're on your way to the job. 
  •  Notifications when a job is Completed

Then click save when you configure the settings and the channels you like for your notifications.

4. To make sure that your key contacts receive notifications, go to Contacts modules, select a contact from your list and click the Customers thumbnail on the upper right corner (you can also click on the Sites thumbnails to review the sites the contacts have key roles for) then click on Edit.

5. Then in here you can adjust the notification settings for this contact. You can switch on notifications for transit, notifications before the start time of a task, and notifications for when a job or task gets completed.