This article covers new feature updates, fixes, and refinements to Fieldmagic. 

Please pay special attention to the **Important Releases below. 

Desktop Fixes and Updates

  • FC-2790- Fixed Global Search Match Score displaying more than 100%.
  • FC-2718 – Fixed Parent Asset Type field only show Asset Types that are neither parent nor child of another Asset Type.
  • FC-2713 – Fixed unable to add Asset Group (Asset) when there is a “New Section” in the asset record view.
  • FC-2678 – Fixed unable to save a quote line item when the user used a Pricebook item that has a modified Pricebook Unit Price
  • FC-2672 – When creating a Quote, it will not copy the Opportunity Summary to Quote summary.
  • FC-2664 – Allow deleting of uploaded files. 
  • FC-2661 – Fixed the item/product Pricebook price in creating a recurring invoice when there is a price book set on the customer selected.
  • FC-2579 – Fixed Fields not displaying in the Record view when the Tab Name has a character like "Parenthesis", "Minus" sign, etc
  • FC-2550 - When Selecting a PO when creating a Supplier invoice, it will get the related fields of the PO to Supplier Invoice