Fieldmagic Enterprise provides you with the flexibility to define your own custom fields and drop-down values, including the ability to set your own Sales Opportunity Stages. 

Step 1: Settings

If you are an Administrator user you can access the Settings area by selecting the gear icon in the top right-hand menu:

Step 2: Select Configure Dropdown

Scroll down and select Configure Dropdown to view the available dropdown configuration options in Fieldmagic: 

Step 3: Select Opportunity Stage Dropdown

Select the Opportunity Stage dropdown option. You should see the below window:

Step 4: Add in Custom Dropdown Values

To add your own values, simply enter these in one per line as in the below example, and click Add:

Step 5: Remove Unwanted Values and Re-Order

Once these are added, you will be able to reorder the stages and delete the default system stages as below. You will not be able to delete Closed Won or Closed Lost, as these are system required fields:

Resetting to Default

If for any reason you'd like to restore the original stages in Fieldmagic, simply select the Restore Default button and this will restore the default values: