The user that is assigned to an Asset Inspection Job is able to check the related assets attached in the job and is able to use the Asset checklist as a guide for items to check or complete the asset.
What is an Asset Inspection Checklist:
An Asset Inspection Checklist is an asset checklist type that is linked to a Job.
The job must contain assets related to the Asset Type used in the Asset Checklist to be able to answer the checklist by the user in the Mobile and Desktop.
Both the Asset and the Linked Asset Checklist have a "Fire Extinguisher" Type
On Desktop, the user can access the checklist by clicking the checklist widget on the linked asset.
On Fieldmagic Mobile App, checklists related to a task of a job assigned to the user may be viewed by tapping on the Checklists icon found at the bottom of the mobile screen
Tap the checklist related to the task to complete, this will automatically redirect to the asset list and will only display the assets related to the Checklist.
i.e. Fire Extinguisher Checklist is selected
Another option for the user cna answer the checklist is by selecting the Task and then tap the "Tools" icon and tap the "Asset" Icon
It will redirect to the asset list linked to a Job. Tap the Asset and this will open a checklist if there is a related linked asset checklist on the job
Should an Asset linked to a Job doesn’t have an Asset Checklist, the system will show a dropdown where the user can complete the inspection by choosing "Pass", "Fail" and "Awaiting Completion". This is for both Mobile and Desktop versions
Please note that since the asset is currently in "Awaiting Completion", it's now displaying as Pass or Fail option in the app.
Completing the Asset checklist in a job:
There are some conditions before the Asset checklist will be completed in a Job.
1.) All the Assets linked that are related to the Asset checklist (By Asset Type) should be completed.
For Plywood Asset Checklist - all assets with Asset Type "Plywood" should be completed answering the checklist.
2.) The Asset Checklist would contain questions that are required to be answered before the user mark this as completed.
Red Asterisk (*) indicated that these are required to be answered so that the Asset will be completed.
3.) If all the assets have been completed answering all the required prompts however there is some asset that has a "Fail" status (Red indicator), this is still counted has completed and will set the status of the "Asset Checklist" to be completed also.
Plywood Assets with Fail Asset but the Linked Asset Checklist is completed (Green) status.
An Asset with a "Failed" status with a completed checklist can be marked as completed. The Asset will be showing with a Red Indicator to show that it is Failed.
What are the conditions for completing a task:
The "Job tasks" is a piece of work to be done or undertaken before the job will be completed.
The task can be added and viewed in the existing Job under the "Activity" Widget
Simple Jobs created through Customer, Sites, Opportunities and Job modules using the Job Widget will automatically add a Task in "Awaiting Scheduling" status. All Jobs generated from "Recurring Job" and Jobs created through "Converted from Leads" will always have a "Simple Job" Job type.
There are different ways how to completing tasks depending if you're using the Desktop mode or in the Mobile app.
The user can complete the tasks by ticking Task Checkbox. Once ticked, it will change the Task Status to "Complete" and also task name will cross out the text.
Viewing Task on Mobile App:
Tasks are displayed on the mobile app by their "Due Date".
Tasks can also be viewed through the following filters:
- Overdue – these are tasks whose due date has passed
- Upcoming Tasks – these are Tasks with advance dates
- Unscheduled – these are Tasks that don’t have due dates set
Please note that "Job Tasks" will only be displayed in the default filter when there is a "Due Date" entered, else if no "Due Date" is entered the "Job Tasks" can still be view under the Unscheduled Filter.
To complete a task in the mobile app, "Long Press" on the Task. This will show a prompt as shown below asking the user to choose Status as Completed or Cancel.
If "Completed" is selected, the system will check if the Job have time entries logged against the Task. If time entries exist against the Task, the system will mark the Task as "Completed", if there are none, a prompt will show notifying the user that there is no time entries for the Task and if the user would add time entries against the Task. Please note that when the user taps "No", it will automatically set the Task Complete without time entries. If "Yes", it will redirect the user to the Time Entry screen to log time in the job.
* The Task "Due Date" can also be populated when you scheduled it from the Job Scheduler in Desktop.
* If the Job is "Non-Billable" and all the tasks within the job are completed, it will automatically change the job status to "Completed".
* If the Job is "Billable" and all the tasks within the job are completed, it will automatically change the job status to "Awaiting Invoicing".