Asset Types are the main group of assets that needed to be tracked for each type of asset. For example, a fire sprinkler will have a different set of assets to track compared with a fire extinguisher.
You can create an asset type in the Admin Page under the Customize section.
A Recurring Inspection Job in Fieldmagic can set to automatically repeat for the same customer and site based on the Period you selected.
A Recurring Asset Inspection Job may be created via the Customer Module and the Sites Module.
Creating Recurring Asset Inspection Job via Customer Module:
- Go to Customers - the page where the list of existing customers will be displayed.
- Choose by clicking on the customer to create the recurring job
- This directs the user to the customer page containing the customer details. On the right panel shows the widgets. ("Is Customer?" field must be ticked to display the recurring job widget)
- Click on the recurring jobs widget
Creating Recurring Asset Inspection Jobs via Sites Module:
- Go to Sites - the page where the list of sites will be displayed.
- Choose by clicking on the site to create the Recurring Job.
- This directs the user to the site page containing the site details. On the right panel shows the widgets. Click on the recurring jobs widget
When creating a Recurring Job, there are required fields that needed to fillup:
Note: Default required fields are set up to flag the users for completion to save the job record.
- Select Period –the user defines the frequency or interval of the recurring job (Monthly, Semi-Annual, Annual, Every 2 Years etc.)
- Priority – This allow the user to set the priority of the recurring job ( Low, Normal, High, Urgent)
- Job Summary –summary of job or what needs to be done
Scheduling the Recurring Asset Inspection Job:
Users can access "Schedule Recurring Jobs" screen by clicking on the briefcase widget located on the top part of the screen menu.
Notes about generating a Scheduled Recurring Job:
- Next Job Date is filtered by default as "Due or Overdue" on scheduled recurring jobs screen
- To see jobs that are in progress, the user should tick "Show In Progress" Filter checkbox and change the Next Job Date Filter. Current Jobs based on the "Next Job Date" (in progress job would show in red shade) will then be displayed.
- You can't generate the "Same Recurring Job" with the "Same Asset Type" and "Same Asset Group" in the "Scheduled Recurring Jobs" screen if current job related is not yet completed status.
- Once the job that is related to the recurring job has been completed, it will automatically update the "Next Job Date" based on the period of the recurring job in the "Schedule Recurring Job" Screen. For Example, a Recurring Job that has a Period of "Monthly" and a Next Job Date is "10/11/2019" with a related job is now completed. it will display the Next Job Date to "11/11/2019" in the "Schedule Recurring Job" Screen.
- "Schedule Recurring Job" screen also provides the user an option to set an "Expiry Date" for recurring jobs. Once the "Expiry Date" passed the current date, the recurring job will no longer be displayed in the "Schedule Recurring Job" unless the user removed or the user edits the "Expiry Date" of the recurring jobs.
- The "Default Technician" selected on recurring Job will also be set as the "Assigned User" in the job record and also in the job Task (Automatically Created) when the job is generated.
- The "Department" selected on recurring job will also be set as the "Department" in the job record and also in the Job Task (Automatically created) when the job is generated.
- When the "Billable" field is set in the recurring job, an "Amount" field will be displayed (Only the Asset Type is selected). Once this recurring job is generated into a job. The "Billing Type" of that job will be "Fixed Amount" , "Billable" is set and the "Amount" you entered from the recurring job will also be transferred in the job.
- Fields like "PO Number", "Job Summary", "Internal Notes", "Priority", "Customer" and "Site" when creating a recurring job will also be transferred to the newly generated job.
Steps to generate a recurring job with attached Assets and Checklist:
Note: There should be an existing Asset Checklist/s in your system if a checklist is to be attached on the recurring job.
- Go to Site Module
- Check if there are Assets
Go to Site > Click on Assets widget to see Existing Assets for the Site.
If there are no assets, the user may add or link an asset by clicking on “+ Create and Link an Asset”. - Click the recurring jobs widget within the site and then click on "Create Recurring Job"
- The user will be redirected to the "Create Recurring Job" screen. Fill up the form with the job details. Once the "Asset Type" is filled, "Checklists" and "Asset Group" fields will appear.
- Select a Checklist. (Please note that checklist displayed is only related to the selected Asset Type)
- Select Asset Group (Optional)
* If no Asset Group selected, it will copy all the "Assets" in that site to the newly generated job (Assets related only to the Asset Type selected).
* If there is an Asset Group selected, it will copy all the "Assets" in that site that contains the selected "Asset Group" to the newly generated job. (Assets related only to the Asset Type and Asset Group selected). - Hit Save
- Click on the "Generate Scheduled Job" widget on the top of the screen
This will then generate the job containing all asset information based on the Asset type, Asset Group (If selected) and Checklist selected.
Example below:
Test Site has 3 Assets, 2 "Battery" and 1 "Cement" Assets.
I created a recurring job with "Battery" as an Asset type and "Battery Asset checklist" as the checklist, No Asset Group selected.
After I generate a job from the recurring job, you will notice that all the "Battery Assets" and the "Battery Asset Checklist" are also included.
Steps to automatically generate a recurring job.
- Follow steps "1-4" above.
- On "Create Recurring Job" screen, turn on Automatically Create switch
- Once the "Next Job Date" indicated in the recurring job becomes "Due or Overdue", it will automatically generate a job against that recurring job. Please note that the related job created against this recurring job must be in "Completed" status to be able to automatically generate a job with the "Next Job Date".
You can check if the related job is already in "Completed" status by clicking it in the recurring job widget in the customer or site.
Attaching assets to your site (via mobile) :
- Log-in to the FieldMagic Mobile app.
- You must have an Existing Task or Pending Task.
- Tap the Task and Select "Tools".
- Select Assets.
- Inside the Asset Screen, click the "QR\Barcode" reader in the Top Right corner of the screen.
- The "QR\Barcode" scanner will open and the code may now be scanned.
- Once the scanning has been completed, Fieldmagic will check if the Asset scanned already exists within the site (it will automatically filter that serial number if existing). if the item does not exist, it will display "No Asset with Serial ABC Found " and provide the user an option to "Create New Asset".
- On you created a New Asset for this Task, it will automatically be added to the related site of this task.
- If the "Asset" is exists on the site but not in the job, When you scan a "QR \ Barcode", a message prompt will display, "No Matching asset found on the job. However, we have found at least one matching asset on the site. Please select the asset you would like to add to the job". once the asset is selected, it will automatically be added to the job.