Fieldmagic allows you to drag-and-drop PDF attachments* to merge into your Quote Documents. This is particularly useful if you want to present a Quote with supporting material such as company or specific product information.
* Required Advanced Plan
Step 1: Select the Documents Tab in a Quote
Step 2: Attach a PDF
Drag-and-drop or select from your Document Library any PDFs you wish to attach to your Quote:
Importing from your Document Library
Any documents saved by your Administrator will be visible as below:
Updating your Document Library
For any documents you'd like to store for use in Quotes, you can save these under Settings in the Document Library:
Step 3: Re-Arranging Order of Merged Documents
Once you have selected all the documents you'd like to merge into your Quote Document, you can re-arrange the order that which they will be merged, by dragging the documents using the position icon as shown below:
Step 4: Preview and Download Your Merged PDF
Select Save and Preview
Select Download to Download View Your Merged Document
Please note, that you will not be able to preview the full merged document, but you can download it to view it.